Sunday, March 2, 2008

Reminder – Research Outlines due March 6

Dear students,

A reminder that your research project outlines are due on Thurs. March 6.

Your outline should be a concise summary of your progress to date. It should include the goal of your research (what questions are you trying to answer?), what you have learned so far, and how you expect to reach your goal.

Your outline also should include the sources you have used to date. List the author's full name (last name, first name), the title of the story/study, the name of the sourced publication, and the publication date.

Doe, Joan "Man bites dog," USA Today, Sept. 6, 2006
Juan, Don "Analyzing a life of temptation," Journal of Neuroscience, 206 (that's the issue number) Sept. 2006 (that's the date of publication)

Send your outline as a Word document attached in an e-mail to me. My e-mail address is Don't forget to CC yourself on the e-mail, so you know I received it.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Good luck!

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