Friday, February 1, 2008

Weekly Discussion Question

Hello students,

Here is your weekly discussion question. The deadline to comment is before class on Tues. Feb. 5. A reminder: Please make them thoughtful and keep them clean.

Question: Which Democratic and Republican presidential candidate do you think will win on Super Tuesday (Feb. 5)? Tell me the reasons for your predictions.


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Andrew said...

In regards to the Democrats, I feel that Hillary Clinton will defeat Barak Obama. For the most part, Clinton has already been in the Whitehouse, so I feel she will be able to capitalize on the blatant ignorance of many uninformed Americans. The fact that she was First Lady for two terms under her husband Bill Clinton will most certainly play a major role in dictating how the voters look at her as a candidate, especially because most Americans have only recently begun to follow the race for the presidency and therefore, they may vote blindly and without faith. I also feel as though the minority vote can go either way for both candidates, but Obama’s appeal to the youth of America will make or break his overall campaign. Of course, chances are he will get almost no support from the youth of America and since Hillary doesn’t really depend on that kind of support, she will most likely pull ahead because her voter turnout will be much higher than Obama’s turnout. Clinton is relying on her previous political experience and the fact that she is known throughout the world as one of the most influential women to ever walk the earth. Therefore, she will pull away with the victory because of what can only be described as her “mass appeal.”

In regards to the Republicans, I feel as though John McCain can continue to ride the wave of momentum that is currently carrying his campaign. I feel that McCain, especially after being co-signed by the former mayor of New York, will be viewed by voters as the most qualified candidate to succeed George W. Bush. In other words, McCain will pull ahead because all those people who are happy with the way our government is being run will most likely support John McCain over any other Republican candidate.

J. Wilder said...

Just to disagree I’m going to have to say that Obama will be winning Super Tuesday for the Democrats. It is certainly up in the air at this point but I feel that there are some key signs indicating which states will be going to which candidate. New York will most assuredly go to Hilary because of her strong representation in the state, giving her a sizable number of delegates. I predict that Illinois, Hawaii, and Massachusetts will all go to Obama, keeping him strong in this race. Illinois will ideally support its senator, while Hawaii will go Obama because of his roots there. With the endorsement of Edward Kennedy, Massachusetts will follow its representative and also go Obama. Obama’s intellectual strength and calm collective nature in the latest Democratic debate are clear testimonies to his ability to lead this country to stability. I feel that the American people will recognize these skills as qualities of a leader and

Regarding the Republican nomination I feel it’s clear that McCain will come out on top after Super Tuesday. With endorsements from Giuliani and Swarzenagger, McCain gains a huge advantage over Romney. Advertised as an American hero, McCain is sending the right image to a country troubled by war. I feel that the American public will identify with McCain and his leadership strength, which will provide him with the Republican party nomination

Jordan Lareau said...

I think with the deomcratic race being so close I think anyone can win right now. With the constant sparring between Obama and Clinton, one will have to go down. Each has some sort of aspect hindering them. Obama has the fact he is one of the first serious African American contenders in a while and Clinton is the first serious female contender. Overall, I think anyone would be a dramatic change that a country will need. There has been to much said against Bush that I think there will be need for dramatic change. I think Obama should be considered the front runner for the democratic party becuase he is youthful, and has the support of some of the most influencial people in America today which include Oprah and the Kennedys.

As for the Republican party, I feel that McCain is to old to come in a jump start a nation. Eventhough I believe this, I do think Giuliani will have a big impact with McCain and NY. I feel that Huckabee doesnt get to any specifics in any of his plans. He doesn't give a detailed plan of actual actions he will take on certain issues. Romney has the money and should be able to stay strong. I think the fact that McCain has been through war and understands the significance of it, he should be able to help take Iraq into a different direction. Overall, I think McCain will be the Republican candidate elected.

beth boronski said...

I think Hillary will win on Super Tuesday because many people gravitate toward her because they like Bill and they think that he will be helping her make decisions if she wins the election. I also think that Obama's lack of experience is going to affect him, since Hillary is pushing her 35 years of experience.

I think McCain is going to win the Republican Primary because of his military background. I think a lot of people who still support Bush are going to vote for him because they think he can take on the war.

Unknown said...

I believe that Clinton is going to win the Democratic race. After researching other predictions I have concluded that most states seem to be siding with Clinton. New York will most definately be loyal to their Senator and also results show California siding with Clinton. Obama does also have a decent amount of states backing him, but I feel that in the long run Hillary's experience is going to prevail over Obama.

For the Republicans I am predicting McCain as the winner. McCain has been on a bit of a roll lately taking important states such as Florida and Sounth Carolina. Also, his new found endorsements from Schwarzenegger and Guiliani will be a huge help.

JP Fay said...

For the Democrats, its tough. Up until recently, Hilary was leading in the polls. As it stands right now, Obama and Hilary are pretty much deadlocked. It's 44-45 for Hilary I think. The problem is that even if Hilary does win, Obama is still in it. The Clinton powerhouse was expected to massacre on Super Tuesday and if she doesn't, thats gonna be a hard hit for her. Even though Schwarzenegger is endorsing Hilary, Obama has the Kennedy support, Oprah (which is huge) and Arnold's wife who is a pretty prominent figure in Cali. I think Obama could take it tomorrow.

For republicans, McCain hands down. Romney's out.

Sara McCarthy said...

I think for the democrats it could go either way. The race is so close and while Hillary is more experienced, Obama has come pretty far for someone who isn't as well know as Hillary.

As far as the republicans I think it would probably go to McCain because he would have more experience being commander in chief.

chrissy0418 said...

For the Democrats in this election, I think it's still too close to call who will win. California was split almost evenly between Obama and Clinton. They both have strong support going into Super Tuesday and I don't think there will be one clear poll leader until the end of Super Tuesday.

As for the Republicans, I think John McCain is going to win the nomination. He has Guiliani's support in New York as well as Schwarzenegger's support and pull in California. I think having these two men endorsing McCain is great for him and will help him win many of the polls on Super Tuesday. Also, his military background will get him more votes from people that are in, or have relatives, in the armed forces because they know that he himself is a veteran and will be willing to do whatever he can to take care of those who serve our country.

Mike Fratus said...

I think that Obama is going to win the democrat vote because and i dont want to sound sexist but she is a female and i think that the delgates are going to go with a male no offence Hil sorry

I think for the republican side it is going to be McCain even though i dont want him to because he is 78 years old and can die in office but right now he has the best ideas and wants to help the country not saying that Romney doesn't want to but it looks like McCain is going to pull it through

Maddie said...

For the Democrats, I feel as though it genuinely is a toss-up between Hillary and Obama. As stated before, Hillary has a strong support in New York because it is the state she represents, while Obama has remained strong in the polls himself. Either candidate could take this one for the Democrats, and I predict it will be a close race.

As for the Republicans, I feel as though John McCain is going to come out with the nomination. He's been strong in the polls and only seems to be gaining momentum. Also I think the fact that his ideals are somewhat opposite most members of the GOP gives him an edge with independent voters who lean Republican, allowing him those important votes.

Maddie said...
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Unknown said...

I’m no political analyst so I really have no idea who might win. What I can tell you is who I want to win and why. I’m more of a democrat guy but if I had to vote right here right now I would side with McCain. His health care plan seems doable and beneficial to all classes. McCain’s environmental views also catch my attention. He is opposed to drilling in Alaska, he knows there must be action now to halt global warming, and he also supports alternative means of fuel such as ethanol.
Now comes the issue of war. I’ve never really supported whatever reasons they said we went to war. What I do support are the troops over there doing their best to reach goals unclear to them. McCain’s idea of more troops doesn’t make me too happy but what he wants to do with them does. He wants more nonmilitary advancement and that is what Iraq really needs. We are there to help stabilize their situation and lay a foundation for a new political system. We need more political advancement in order to end the war without the outcome being chaos. I want to see an end to this war but if we just pull out then we’ll leave them in a state of confusion and we will end up having to go back in to help in the future. We need to finish this now and get it out of the way.
I can’t lean towards and democrat right now because I believe they’re telling me what I want to hear. I want action and someone who can stick by their words. In politics that is rare but we’ll see what happens in the next 6 months.

Gess said...

Though I am for Obama, I think that Hilary is going to win super tuesday for the democrats because though Obama did recently win South Carolina, Hilary is ahead in states all throughout the nation, and is leading in states that will award many delegates (i.e New York, California, Missouri).

I am not following the republican candidates as much as I should but it seems like most people are voting for John McCain over Romney. He has more experience and is known as the all american war hero. I overheard a student say she is voting for McCain because he is not too conservative and not too liberal. I think that factor will also appeal to independent voters and democrats.

Fabiola Estera said...

In the beginning of the race for the white house I was unsure about Barack Obama, most likely because, he was a black man and to some extent people would not take him seriously. Of course being a Democrate, the next best choice would be to follow Hillary Clinton. However, I got even more invloved in this years elections because I felt that I would actually actually be part of history. People began paying serious attention to these two democratic leaders, who of course in past elections would not have had the chance to even concider running. i beleve that in the Democratic party Barack Obama may win for the democrates. he's young,energetic and has a lot of charisma. He seems to be more relateable to the needs of the people, having the knowledge of what it means to work hard. He's faced many adversities and of course coming from an ethnic background. He has a srtong stand on what he beleves in. Many other top names and officals have endorsed him. This says alot about the people who is also being captivated by him. Even though Hillary Clinton is pretty strong with her ideals and beliefs. The country democraticlly, seems to want total change and bringing someone totally new to the game, could mean bringing in Barack Obama.

On the Republican side, i think that John Mccain would win Super Tuesday. He to seems to be relatable to those who are republican, especailly being a veteran (P.O.W. He has many top people who's endorsed him such as, Gov. Arnold Swartzenagger and Rudy Gulliani. He has a firm grip on the republicans.

Rob Antonson said...

DEMOCRATIC: Obama won big in South Carolina, twice as many votes as Hillary Clinton. In a state where the clear majority of voters were black, Obama wining in South Carolina might have been big news, but is not surprising. This is because south carolina's large black population was vital in Obama winning the state. Super Tuesday states, do not have the same proporton of black voters as South Carolina has. This will play into the hands of Clinton, who will be victorious on Super tuesday!

REPUBLICAN: The real race looks to be coming down to McCain and Romney, who are each at the top of the polls. While Romney may be leading in some states, it is McCain who will reign superior in the results come Super Tuesday. Because he attracts Independent votes and could be appealing to some Democrats.

Paul M. said...

This is a tough question to answer. On the Democratic side, we have two minorities running for President who are continuously gaining support. Obama has incredible public speaking abilities and has a way of pumping up his audience. The man is very confident and expresses each and every one of his points with extreme conviction. On the other hand, we have got Hillary. Hillary has taken a lot of criticism for a number of things. One of the bigger ones was why did she stay with Bill? However, being from New York, she has a large number of delegates. It's tough but I believe Obama is the clear favorite.

On the Republic side, we have got Romney and McCain. Now I don't know too much about politics and I have not heard of Romney up until a few months ago. On the other side, I have known about McCain for a very long time. He has gained support from Edwards and Schwarzennegger. I mentioned the fact that I am unfamiliar with Romney because that is how many people vote. For instance, many people go to the polls and vote for someone simply because they have heard of them or because of their last name. While that may be unfair, I believe this will ultimately help McCain along with his newly acquired sponsors.

Unknown said...

i feel democrats its a tight close race. But Obama will overrall win the proceedings. He has won over white america and overall the african american community support him and behind him 100%. He has famous celebrities supporting him especially financially. John Mccain just has a convincing campaign and to far of a lead over Hucaberry. So i think he going to win