Friday, February 1, 2008

Spygate Lives

Hello class,

Even as the Super Bowl draws near, Spygate continues! Check out this story today in the New York Times. (Click on the "New York Times" above for the link.)

1 comment:

Fabiola Estera said...

Super Tuesday was definitly history in the making. I spent most of th evening watching the race. Anderson Cooper and Soldad O'Brian commentted on the results as they projected in throughout the night. it was amazing to see how the jounrnalist commentated on who would win, what state. From both the Democratic and Republican side. Marion Barry (Mayor of Washing D.C.) adressed that "even though D.C. is the home of the Cinton's,and they have had support here for many years."
it seems that the bond may not be as tight anymore. However, Barry's vote was for Obama, he mentioned that he appreciated Obama's consistency. Hillary Clinton still stood strong, suprisingly winning the state of Massachussetts, most thought that the endorsment from Ted Kennedy, Carolyn Kennedy and Maria Shriver along with Mass Gov. Duval Patrick. The win would have gone to Obama. But, obviously that wasn't the case. Clinton's voters mostly came from the elderly and most feminists,along with the many supporters from her husband Bill Clinton. Which are votes that are coming from both black and white voters. On Hardball with Chris Matthews, they mention that Obama was cathcing up to Hillary, but can he pass her? Obama won victories in states most thought he would not be able to pull. 13 states in all on Super Tuesday. New Mexico, is yet to be decided. Clinton won more delagates than Obama. But, the race is still on, there are still 1400 delegates up for grabs. Mitt Romney picked up some speed, but still has some cathcing up to do.As it stands Mccain's numbers are 720, Romney #256. Huckabee numbers ring in at #194 running behind but still has some strengh in the primaries. As of now, it looks like a draw, without anyone winning. Obama raised 32 million dollars. Clinton running short on money, this could hinder her along the way to Maryland & W. Virgina. Inthusiasm is growing for Obama.Chris Matthews also mentioned that there's still old school voting in Philadelphia, How will that effect the race?. Run by Bob Brady, machines are still being used. John Mccian was thought of not being conservative enough. Mccain responds by saying he is the best canadate to take on the democrates. But Huckabee isn't givivng up. Of course this is the biggest primary in history. It is going to be a delight to see which way it goes, both on the Democratic and Republican side.